So without further ado, after many months of idle thinking,
on the 16th of June, 2010 (Wednesday) at 8.32 am (it pays to be specific XD),
the 4W class Blog is born!
Also, to pure coincidence, today is 端午节!
aptly named as Dumpling Festival in English.
So eat some rice dumplings today, although the prices have risen dramatically for profit.
It is the day a famous Chinese scholar suicided by jumping into the river out of sadness for his country's people, and everyone threw rice dumplings into the river for the prawns/fish/underwater creatures to eat so that his body would not be feasted upon, but the body was never found. So we eat dumplings as a tradition for that.
But anyway, (love this kata hubung, can be used anytime anywhere anysituation) here's to our new class blog!
--WenChuan, currently site admin--
PS: Need all your Gmail's peeps! So that you too can be an author of this class blog and also share what you think is meaningful!
